Return Policy

Nu Organics Return Policy.

Nu Organics will fully refund or replace any goods purchased if they are found to be faulty or damaged.

If you change your mind about the products you have ordered and decide you no longer wish to use them, your product(s) purchased can be returned to us for a refund or exchange under the following conditions:

  1. Products must be unopened and in the original condition
  2. Products must be sent back within 30 days from original receipt of goods

Returned items must have no visible signs of wear or use

To initiate a return or exchange, please complete the following steps:

Contact us via email at with your name, order details, and item you wish to return.

We will then respond with instructions on how to process your return.

Once we have received your returned item we will process your refund, replacement product, or store credit within 24 hours.

Giftcards or vouchers can't be returned or redeemed for cash.

Any shipping fees will be paid for by the customer. 

For any other enquiries please email